Schedule - Nordic PGDay 2023

CockroachDB for Global Scale

Date: 2023-03-21
Time: 11:15–11:30
Room: Cronos

CockroachDB is a cloud-native, geo-distributed SQL database built from the ground up for horizontal scalability & resilience. It supports the PostgreSQL wire protocol (pgwire) and the majority of PostgreSQL syntax which means that existing applications built on PostgreSQL can often be migrated to CockroachDB without changing application code, tools, and drivers. Some still unsupported PostgreSQL features include stored procedures and triggers, for which there are alternatives like built-in change data capture with transformations. Under the hood, CockroachDB is differently architected than PostgreSQL- each layer is crafted for scale, survival, and distributed SQL execution. This provides CockroachDB with capabilities that break limitations & challenges that single server/leader architectures pose to fully leverage modern cloud infrastructure. In this session, we'll look at how usability, scalability, survival, and data domiciling can be combined by leveraging some of these capabilities


Kai Niemi