Schedule - PGConf.EU 2011

Managing Terabytes

Date: 2011-10-21
Time: 13:40–14:30
Room: Amsterdam 3
Level: Intermediate

Size can creep up on you. Some day you may wake up to a multi-terabyte Postgres system handling over 3000 tps staring you down. Learn the best ways to manage these systems as they grow, and find out what new features starting with 9.0 have made life easier for administrators and application developers working with big data.

This talk will lead you through solutions to problems Postgres faces when it gets big: backups, transaction wraparound, bloat, huge catalogs and upgrades. You need to monitor the right things, find the gems in DBA-friendly database functions and catalog tables, and know the right places to look to spot problems early. We’ll also go over monitoring best practices and open source tools to get the job done.

Working with multiple versions of Postgres back to version 8.2 will be included, and as well as tips on making the most out of new features in 9.1. War stories will be taken from real-world work with Emma, an email marketing company with a few large databases, and from a private company attempting to move from Oracle to Postgres.


Selena Deckelmann

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