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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2015

Beyond PostGIS basics : more spatial!

Date: 2015-10-30
Time: 13:40–14:30
Room: Ballroom A+B
Level: Intermediate

Almost all of us already know PostGIS, the PostgreSQL extension to handle spatial data and take advantage of geographical data.

After a quick reminder of PostGIS basics, this presentation will showcase some advanced usage of PostGIS and other GIS-related products for PostgreSQL.

We will start this illustrated advanced GIS session with a few PostGIS analysis queries, presenting new features of the latest PostGIS 2.2 version.

Then, if any of you have raster data, you will see that you can use them to do raster/vector analysis in the database.

Going to another dimension, let's now use 3D data, mix and analyse it, with high performance thanks to 3D indexes. What about generating buildings directly inside PostgreSQL ?

Know these billions of points you have from LIDAR ? Get them into the database with PgPointCloud, and query it to get real height of all your buildings !

You want more SQL ? We will show how you can combine GIS and graph analysis on a water distribution network using recursive CTEs and KNN search.

One more thing : the recent OGR Foreign Data Wrapper lets you access all kind of GIS data transparently. Yes, you can even write OOXML files from within PostgreSQL - don't do that.

Last but not least, do not miss the PostGIS clock. Just because we can.


Vincent Picavet