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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2017

Analyzing Database Performance

Date: 2017-10-25
Time: 11:10–12:00
Room: Congress
Level: Beginner

Database Performance will at some point become important for almost every database, whether you require faster response times for your users, or your database instance is sometimes fully utilized, you will need to investigate and resolve the issue.

Performance tuning your queries is one of the best ways of increasing the speed of your database, with better performance you may even run your databases on smaller (cloud) instances.

PostgreSQL itself provides a lot of out-of-the-box tools to aid you in analyzing your performance. This session covers the following topics:

  • logging and analyzing slow queries using the diagnostic logs
  • using the pg_stat_statements extension to track queries
  • use EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE to understand the query plan for a query
  • how the PostgreSQL planner uses statistics to determine the optimal query plan
  • use the statistics collector views to identify common patterns (e.g. missing index)

All of these topics will be accompanied with examples using the psql terminal to show that even though additional tools (profiling, graphing) provide a lot of value, you do not need those tools to get started with performance improvements.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Feike Steenbergen