Conference Sessions - PGConf.EU 2024
The following list contains all the talks that have been approved so far for PGConf.EU 2024. Note that they may not yet have been scheduled! You can find the full conference information at the conference website.
- The PostgreSQL License Fee (Stacey Haysler)
- Lightning Talks ()
- PostgreSQL Europe Reception ()
- So long, and thanks for all the fish (Dave Page, Magnus Hagander)
- Welcome and Opening (Magnus Hagander)
- connection_builder for PostgreSQL community (Valeria Kaplan)
- Discovering Postgres: A Journey into the #1 Open Source Relational Database (Emma Saroyan)
- Finding and fixing a data-corruption bug with the help of the community (Patrick Stählin)
- Fun with Postgres High Availability Poker (Dave Pitts, Derk van Veen)
- Growing the PostgreSQL Community: My experience organising local events in different geographies (Andrea Cucciniello)
- GSoC 2024: Enhancing Data Insights for Postgres with Remote Sinks (Akshat Jaimini, Pavlo Golub)
- Supporting a New PostgreSQL Version in Your Extension - A Citus Case Study (Naisila Puka)
- Supporting extensions, but really now (Floor Drees)
- What's in a Postgres major release? An analysis of contributions in the v17 timeframe (Claire Giordano)
- An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installation (Ilya Kosmodemiansky)
- Column encryption solutions and ideas (Peter Eisentraut)
- Comparing Connection Poolers for PostgreSQL (Julian Markwort)
- Demystifying Kubernetes for Postgres DBAs: A Guide to Operators (Adam Wright)
- From VMs to Cloud-Native PostgreSQL in Kubernetes: A Case Study of Migrating a Medium-Sized Application (David Pech)
- Hidden gems of WAL-G backup tool (Andrey Borodin)
- Identity at Scale - How Okta uses Postgres (Norberto Leite)
- Incremental Backup (Robert Haas)
- Introduction to Fair-Use TPC Benchmarking Kits (Mark Wong)
- Leveraging AI as a PostgreSQL DBA (Grant Fritchey)
- Mastering PostgreSQL Partitioning: Supercharge Performance and Simplify Maintenance (Ryan Booz)
- Patroni Deployment Patterns (Michael Banck)
- Postgres Platform "Best Practices" for the Modern DBA (Chelsea Dole)
- PostgreSQL for Oracle DBAs - A walk in the park? (Teresa Lopes)
- PostgreSQL Observed—and Explained (Karen Jex, Stacey Haysler)
- PostgreSQL Security: From Attack Simulation to Defense (Taras Kloba)
- Practical Memory Tuning for PostgreSQL (Grant McAlister)
- Smooth Sailing: How We Tackled PostgreSQL Migration Challenges from CentOS to Ubuntu (Sena Güngör Tavukçuoğlu)
- Speeding up logical replication setup (Euler Taveira)
- UNDELETE data FROM table; (Christoph Berg)
- Untangling the Web of PostgreSQL Permissions (Lætitia AVROT)
- Vacuuming Large Tables: How Recent Postgres Changes Further Enable Mission Critical Workloads (Robert Treat)
App Developer
- Actual trees, not b-trees – or how I found PostgreSQL through PostGIS (Johannes Paul)
- Creating a Board Game Chatbot with Postgres, AI, and RAG (Matt Cornillon)
- Exploring Postgres Databases with Graphs (Dian Fay)
- pg_ivm: Extensions for Rapid Materialized View Update (Yugo Nagata)
- Postgres schema migrations using the expand/contract pattern (Andrew Farries)
- Replicating Schema Changes with PostgreSQL (Esther Miñano Sanz)
- Sparta’s Dual Kingship and PostgreSQL Active-Active (Boriss Mejias)
- Unearthing the Past with PostgreSQL: How Open Source is Revolutionizing Digital Archaeology (Ophir Lojkine, Thomas Guillemard)
- Using Postgres to locate the best coffee near you! (Varun Dhawan)
- A Deep Dive into Postgres Statistics (Louise Grandjonc)
- Debugging active queries with mid-flight instrumented explain plans (Rafael Thofehrn Castro)
- Dissimilarity search: implementing in-memory vector search algorithms to PostgreSQL (Jonathan S. Katz)
- Fearless Extension Development With Rust and PGRX (James Blackwood-Sewell)
- High-concurrency distributed snapshots (Ants Aasma)
- Modernizing the PostgreSQL Test framework (Andrew Dunstan)
- My Journey in PostgreSQL bug fixing (Bertrand Drouvot)
- NUMA vs PostgreSQL (Andres Freund)
- Performance Archaeology (Tomas Vondra)
- PostgreSQL Executor: Executing your execution plan (Rafia Sabih)
- Streaming I/O and vectored I/O (Nazir Bilal Yavuz, Thomas Munro)
- A beginner's guide to performance (Hans-Jürgen Schönig)
- Are you collecting the right metrics? (Frederic Delacourt)
- Empowering AI Applications: Integrating Vector Databases with PostgreSQL (Bilge Ince, Boriss Mejias)
- Hands-on Introduction to PostgreSQL Operation (Ilya Kosmodemiansky)
- Logical replication - getting in and out of the cloud (Alexander Kukushkin, Silvano Coriani)
- Mastering PostgreSQL in Kubernetes with CloudNativePG (Gabriele Bartolini, Leonardo Cecchi)