Schedule - pgDay Paris 2023

Understanding MVCC, Vacuum, and how to monitor it with the pg_catalog

Date: 2023-03-23
Time: 13:30–14:15
Room: Karnak

When you update or delete a row in PostgreSQL, you are actually creating a new version of the row. PostgreSQL will make sure that your version of the row will always be visible to you while you are in the same transaction, respecting all the ACID properties that make PostgreSQL so powerful and reliable. This design still needs some maintenance to get rid of rows that are too old. That maintenance is called Vacuum. After this talk you will be able to understand how MVCC, Vacuum and autovacuum works, and what you need to do to keep your database in good shape. We will also review how to monitor all this with the PostgreSQL Catalog.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Boriss Mejias