Schedule - pgDay Paris 2019

PostgreSQL As Data Integration Tool

Date: 2019-03-12
Time: 14:45–15:35
Room: Auditorium

Instead of using ETL Tools, which consume tons of memory on their own system, you will learn how to do ETL jobs directly in and with a database. The PostgreSQL implementation of the the standard ISO/IEC 9075-9:2016, Management of External Data (SQL/MED), is also known as Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW). With Foreign Data Wrapper, there is nearly no limit of external data, that you could use directly inside a PostgreSQL database.

The talk will walk you through the definition of Foreign Data Wrapper as implemented in PostgreSQL. In the second part of the talk you will see how this technology does work shown by examples with several data sources.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Stefanie Janine Stölting