2023 General Assembly - Activities report

What has been done

The 2023 GA report primarily covers activities during 2022, but will also mention some happenings during 2023.


See the Financial report, section "Activities".

2022 Events

We're finally back from the Covid-19 Pandemic and were able to resume our in-peson events!


FOSDEM was not back in person yet, so the separate PGDay was canceled. As the year before, PostgreSQL Europe participated virtually in FOSDEM with a virtual devroom. Plenty of interest was seen, but it's of course not the same as the full in-person event, and as this was just at the limit of people starting to return to in-person events it was very clear that it was not "what it used to be".

Nordic PGDay

Nordic PGDay was held in Helsinki, Finland, with 82 attendees. While a bit lower than normal, we were very happy to be the first PostgreSQL Europe conference to return to in-person.


pgDay.Paris was held, unsurprisingly, in Paris with 150 attendees, and was the first conference back to sell out all tickets.


PGConf.DE this year was held in Leipzig, and had 151 attendees. Slightly fewer than the year before, but still a solid return after the pandemic.


PGConf.EU returned to Berlin (the venue originally scheduled for 2020 that was postponed because of Covid-19), and set a new attendance record with 604 attendees!

2023 events

2023 has so far seen a full return of all of our regular events, including FOSDEM and the PGDay. We also saw a brand new event in PGDay/MED in April. PGConf.EU will happen in December to close out our series of conferences. As normal, the full details will be in next years GA.


Board Elections

In the 2022 elections, there was a tie between Andreas Scherbaum and Pavlo Golub. Per the statutes, a second election was held and in this election Andreas Scherbaum won by one vote, and remains on the board.

In the 2023 elections, Dave Page and Lætitia Avrot were voted in to remain on the board.

Ongoing work

New address

The work to find a new address to make it easier to contact us is still ongoing. The address has now been set up, and we are registering it with the authorities, which require a minor change to our statutes.

Trademark disputes

Our trademark defense process is still in progress, together with the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada. Some important steps have gone in our direction, but the process is still ongoing.