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Schedule - PGConf.EU 2019

Marketing Postgres brand - where to start?

Date: 2019-10-16
Time: 12:00–12:50
Room: Foscolo
Level: Beginner

Over the years, PostgreSQL developed organically - the improvements and the new features have been added by the companies as a result of specific client’s needs, bringing the database to the state as we know it today.

Though the popularity of PostgreSQL brand has, so far, grown without dedicated efforts to popularize it, I suggest, that now is a good time to tap into some marketing techniques to strengthen its positioning among other open-source solutions and accelerate its buy in. In fact, by exploring conversations about Postgres, we might be able to identify some unaddressed issues and understand the wider community interests that in turn can influence how we, as a community, talk about Postgres and how the database will evolve.

In this talk, I will share some ideas on how communication surrounding Postgres influences the database and the community. I will also give an overview of social media channels where Postgres conversations are taking place and will present the analysis of relevant Twitter conversations.

My aim is to raise questions rather than dictate answers and bring the discussion about marketing Postgres, as the world's most advanced open source database, to the table, where the results of the analysis could serve as a guide for PostgreSQL activities and its messaging.

This talk is for everyone who cares about PostgreSQL and its community and also for those who are interested in understanding the big picture, learning about marketing and social listening and understanding how today’s communication may influence the future of PostgreSQL.


The following slides have been made available for this session:


Valeria Kaplan