Schedule - PGConf.DE 2015

Bugs fixed, systems integrated

Date: 2015-11-27
Time: 13:25–14:10
Room: Lotse
Level: Intermediate

In this talk we discuss how we integrated repmgr with PgBouncer in the implementation of a High Availability PostgreSQL cluster.

After presenting PgBouncer and repmgr, we will discuss the various challenges that we faced in carrying the integration:

  • Architecture planning
  • Technical issues
  • Diagnosing and fixing bugs
  • Reliability
  • Maintainability

repmgr is an open-source software to manage replication and failover between multiple PostgreSQL servers. The latest stable version is 3.0.1, released in March 2015.

PgBouncer is an open-source connection pooling tool for PostgreSQL. The latest stable version is 1.6, released in August 2015.


Gianni Ciolli